6. In the table above, what is the momentum of the jeepney? C. 20.000 kg-m/s D. 3,000 kg-m/s A. 6,000 kg-m/s B. 40,000 kg-m/s 7. Which has a lesser momentum? C. both have the same momentum A. jeepney B. motercycle D. cannot be determined 8. If the time of the application of a force is shortened for a given change in momentum of the body, then the force A. becomes zero. C. is increased. B. is decreased. D. remains the same. 9. Which of the following involves a change in momentum? A. A bowling ball rolls down a hill at constant velocity. B. A car coasts down a hill at constant velocity. C. A spacecraft at constant velocity while slowly losing mass D. None of the above 10. Why does airbag system prevent us from accident during collision? Because it A. shortens the impact time. C. prolongs the impact time. B. decreases time. D. decreases impulse.

6. In the table above, what is the momentum of the jeepney? C. 20.000 kg-m/s D. 3,000 kg-m/s A. 6,000 kg-m/s B. 40,000 kg-m/s 7. Which has a lesser momentum? C. both have the same momentum A. jeepney B. motercycle D. cannot be determined 8. If the time of the application of a force is shortened for a given change in momentum of the body, then the force A. becomes zero. C. is increased. B. is decreased. D. remains the same. 9. Which of the following involves a change in momentum? A. A bowling ball rolls down a hill at constant velocity. B. A car coasts down a hill at constant velocity. C. A spacecraft at constant velocity while slowly losing mass D. None of the above 10. Why does airbag system prevent us from accident during collision? Because it A. shortens the impact time. C. prolongs the impact time. B. decreases time. D. decreases impulse.
6. In the table above, what is the momentum of the jeepney? C. 20.000 kg-m/s D. 3,000 kg-m/s A. 6,000 kg-m/s B. 40,000 kg-m/s 7. Which has a lesser momentum? C. both have the same momentum A. jeepney B. motercycle D. cannot be determined 8. If the time of the application of a force is shortened for a given change in momentum of the body, then the force A. becomes zero. C. is increased. B. is decreased. D. remains the same. 9. Which of the following involves a change in momentum? A. A bowling ball rolls down a hill at constant velocity. B. A car coasts down a hill at constant velocity. C. A spacecraft at constant velocity while slowly losing mass D. None of the above 10. Why does airbag system prevent us from accident during collision? Because it A. shortens the impact time. C. prolongs the impact time. B. decreases time. D. decreases impulse. 65105807788aa.webp
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