Ancient Indus sculptures were _____________________ a. extremely large and usually made out of clay or sandstone. b. created to show people how Buddha came to become deity. c. contained inscriptions along the top edge that we cannot understand today. d. always carved into the sides of mountains and in the walls of caves in the valley.

Answer:Option C, contained inscriptions along the top edge that we cannot understand today, is the right answer. Explanation:The Indus Valley Civilization is the civilization which provides the first known sculptures in the Indian Subcontinent. On such sculptures, a large number and variety of inscription have been found. The inscriptions of the Indus Valley Civilization are found in the form of pictures or these are comprised of a corpus of symbols. Such inscriptions are too short which makes it difficult for one to decide whether or not these figures developed a script used to preserve a language or even signify a system of writing. Though numerous efforts have been made to decipher the script has not yet been deciphe.
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