1. In Cecilia’s CD collection, 1/5 of her Jazz CDs represents 1/10 of all her CDs. What is the ratio of her Jazz CDs to her non-Jazz CDs? 2. How would you change 5^6(50) to a number times 25?

Answer:1)Ratio is 1:1.2)The required number is:[tex]5^4\times 50[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:1)Let us consider that Cecilia's has a total of 'x' CDsand let 'y' represent the number of Jazz CDs.Now we are given information that:1/5 of her Jazz CDs represents 1/10 of all her CDs. i.e. [tex]\dfrac{1}{5}y=\dfrac{1}{10}x\\\\y=\dfrac{5}{10}x\\\\y=\dfrac{1}{2}x[/tex]i.e. the Jazz CDs are half of the total CDs.Hence, the number of Non-Jazz CDs(z) = [tex]x-\dfrac{x}{2}\\\\=\dfrac{x}{2}[/tex]Hence, the ratio of Jazz to Non-Jazz CDs [tex]=\dfrac{y}{z}\\\\=\dfrac{\dfrac{x}{2}}{\dfrac{x}{2}}\\\\=\dfrac{1}{1}[/tex]Hence, the required Ratio is 1:1.2)How would you change [tex]5^6\times (50)[/tex] to a number times 25?We will find the number by dividing the quantity   [tex]5^6\times (50)[/tex] by 25 to find the required number.i.e. [tex]\dfrac{5^6\times 50}{25}=\dfrac{5^6\times 50}{5^2}=5^{6-2}\times 50=5^4\times 50[/tex]Hence the required number is:[tex]5^4\times 50[/tex]
general 5 months ago 2614