Barton reads part of a book every night before he goes to bed. The graph shows the number of chapters that he reads over time.What is the unit rate?a.) 1/18 chapter per dayb.) 1/3 chapter per dayc.) 3 chapters per dayd.) 18 chapters per day

The unit rate is the rate of change per day or the slope.
To get the slope of the line, we use the slope formula:[tex]m=\frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}[/tex]Where [tex](x_{1},y_{1})[/tex] is point 1 on the line and tex](x_{2},y_{2})[/tex] is point 2 on the line.Let's take 2 points from the line and calculate the slope. We will take the points (0,0) and (1,3) (any two points on the line will give the correct answer).[tex]m=\frac{3-0}{1-0} \\m=\frac{3}{1}\\m=3[/tex]This means Barton reads 3 chapters per day. Answer choice C is right.
general 4 months ago 4248