can someone please help!!

Answer:FalseQuadrant || contains ordered pairs of the form (Positive number, Negative numberThe point (-6,0) is located on the y-axis  The origin is located in Quadrant |. TrueThe ordered pair (2,-5.2) is located in Quadrants IV. To Plot points in Quadrant |||, move left and down from the origin. Step-by-step explanation:The ordered pair (2,-5.2) is located in Quadrants IV. TrueTrue, because Quadrants IV contains order pairs of the form  of (+,-)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Quadrant || contains ordered pairs of the form (Positive number, Negative number FalseFalse, because Quadrant || contains order pairs of the form (-,+)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The point (-6,0) is located on the y-axis  FalseFalse, the abscissa or x-coordinate is −6 and the ordinate or y-coordinate is 0. We know, any point on the x-axis has the form (a,0) and any point on the y-axis has the form (0,a), where a is any number.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The origin is located in Quadrant |. FalseOrigin always in the middle. We know, the origin is the point of intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis. That is, when x=0 and y=0, we get the origin.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Plot points in Quadrant |||, move left and down from the origin.  TrueStarting at the origin then move left would give us to Quadrant || and then down would give us Quadrant |||.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kavinsky
general 9 months ago 6088