darren wins a coupon for $4 off the lunch special for each of 5 days. he pays $75 for his 5 lunch specials. write and solve an equation to find the original price p for one lunch special

Value of each coupon = $4.Total number of lunches taken = 5.Let us assume original price for one lunch special = p.Total amount paid in all 5 lunches taken = $75.We can setup an equation now,Number of lunches( cost of each lunch - discount value of each coupon) = $75Plugging values,5 ( p - 4) = 75.This is the required equation to find the original price p for one lunch special. Distributing 5 over (p -4), we get 5*p +5*-4 = Β 5p -20.5p -20 =75.Adding 20 on both sides.5p -20+20 =75+205p = 95.Dividing both sides by 5, we get5p/5 = 95/5p = 19.Therefore, the original price is $19 for one lunch special.
general 4 months ago 5093