Does each function describe exponential growth or decay?Drag and drop the equations into the boxes to correctly complete the table.

Answer: Only first two are exponential growth function and last three functions are exponential decay functions.
Step-by-step explanation: We need to describe exponential growth or decay for the given functions.The standard exponential function equation is [tex]y=a(b)^x[/tex].Where a is the initial value and b is the growth factor.Note: If value of b > 1, it would be an exponential growth and if b < 1, it would be an exponential decay.Let us check them one by one.[tex]y=(1.008^{1/12}})^{12t}[/tex] => [tex]y=(1.008^})^{1/12\times{12t} }[/tex]=> [tex]y= (1.008)^t[/tex].Value of b is 1.008 > 1, therefor it's an exponential growth function.y=250(1+0.004)^t, also have b>1 therefor it's an exponential growth function.All other functions has b values less than 1, therefore only first two are exponential growth function and last three functions are exponential decay functions.

general 5 months ago 5550