Ethan's earned $36.50 an hour .he is paid time and a half for any hours worked over over 44 in a week what will Ethan's pay be for a week in which he worked 49hours?

To calculate Ethan's pay for a week in which he worked 49 hours, we need to consider his regular pay rate and the overtime rate. Let's break it down step by step: 1. Regular hours: Ethan worked 44 hours or fewer, which means he will be paid his regular rate for those hours. His regular rate is $36.50 per hour. So, for the regular hours (44 hours), Ethan's pay would be: Regular pay = Regular hours * Regular rate = 44 hours * $36.50/hour = $1,606.00 2. Overtime hours: Ethan worked 49 hours in total, and any hours beyond 44 are considered overtime hours. He is paid time and a half for each overtime hour. Overtime hours = Total hours worked - Regular hours = 49 hours - 44 hours = 5 hours Overtime pay = Overtime hours * Overtime rate = 5 hours * ($36.50/hour * 1.5) = 5 hours * $54.75/hour = $273.75 3. Total pay: To calculate Ethan's total pay for the week, we need to add his regular pay and overtime pay. Total pay = Regular pay + Overtime pay = $1,606.00 + $273.75 = $1,879.75 Therefore, Ethan's pay for a week in which he worked 49 hours would be $1,879.75.
general 5 months ago 1571