How is six and five hundredths written in expanded notation and numerals

Answer:In Expanded notation it is [tex]6\times 1 + 5\times \frac{1}{100}[/tex]In numerals it is 6.05Step-by-step explanation:Expanded notationExpanded notation is a helpful way to rewrite numbers in order to show the place value of each digit.Normal number  of we have.........,Hundred, Tens ,Unit eg. 1.)  5145  = hundred place1 = tens place4= unit placeNow for decimal numberstenths,hundredths, 1.) 0.250 = unit place2 = tenths place  [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex]5 = hundredths place [tex]\frac{1}{100}[/tex]We will have example in numerals and it expanded notation.1. 6.05 ( six and five hundredths)Expanded form[tex]6\times 1 + 5\times \frac{1}{100}[/tex]Here, 6 is in Unit place0 is in Tenths place5 is in Hundredths place
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