If Leonardo shares 20 3/5 among his friends and each one receives 103/30. How many friends does Leonardo have?

To find the number of friends Leonardo has, we can divide the total amount he shares by the amount each friend receives. Given: Total amount shared = 20 3/5 = 20 + 3/5 = 103/5 Amount received by each friend = 103/30 Now, divide the total amount shared by the amount each friend receives: Number of friends = Total amount shared / Amount received by each friend $$Number of friends = \frac{\frac{103}{5}}{\frac{103}{30}}$$ Remember that dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal: $$Number of friends = \frac{103}{5} \times \frac{30}{103}$$ Simplify: $$Number\; of\; friends = \frac{(103 \times30)} { (5 \times103)}$$ $$Number\; of \;friends = \frac{30}{5}$$ $$Number\; of \;friends = 6$$ So, Leonardo has 6 friends.
general 5 months ago 2006