Sasha hikes into a canyon. She takes a break at the rest stations every 2/3 of a mile. If she started at sea level and has hiked down to the fourth rest station, what is Sasha’s elevation now? Select all that apply.a. -8/3b. -4 2/3c. 14/3d. 2 2/3e 4/3

Answer:a. -8/3 miles below sea level.Step-by-step explanation:Sasha started at sea level and has hiked down to the fourth rest station.Now sea level is 0.Sasha takes a break at the rest stations every 2/3 of a mile.This means she is down to 4 rest points means 4 times 2/3This becomes = [tex]4\times(\frac{2}{3} )=\frac{8}{3}[/tex]But the answer will be in negative as she is below 0.So, correct answer is: a. -8/3 miles below sea level.
general 8 months ago 5713