ten times a number is sixteen more than twice the number. find the number

Hello, there!

Ten times a number is sixteen more than twice the number. Find the number.

Answer: 2


First, let's write the equation.

Ten times a number -- 10x

16 more  -- 10x - 16

Twice the number -- 2x

10x - 16 = 2x or 10x = 2x + 16

Let's use the first one: 10x - 16 = 2x

First, let's isolate the x to one side.

10x - 16 = 2x
-10x          -10x

-16 = -8x

Now, let's multiply each side by -1 to make them positive

-16 = -8x
*-1    *-1

16 = 8x

Finally, let's divide each side by 8

16 = 8x
----  ----
  8    8

Our answer is 2 = x

This means that the number is 2.

I hope I helped!

Let me know if you need anything else!

~ Zoe

general 9 months ago 2123