the equatorial circumference of Earth is 4.01 * 10^4 kilometers. One kilometer is equivalent to 3.94 x 10^4 inches. What is the Equatorial circumference of Earth in inches?​

Answer: [tex]1,579,940,000\ inches[/tex]Step-by-step explanation: Let be "x" the  Equatorial circumference of Earth in inches. Based on the data given in the exercise, you know that the equatorial circumference of Earth is [tex]4.01 * 10^4\ kilometers[/tex]. You also know that: [tex]1\ kilometer=3.94* 10^4\ inches.[/tex]  Then, you can set up the following proportion: [tex]\frac{3.94*10^4\ inches}{1\ kilometer}=\frac{x}{4.01 * 10^4\ kilometers}[/tex] Finally, you must solve for "x" in order to find its value. Applying this procedure you get the following result: [tex](4.01 * 10^4\ kilometers)(\frac{3.94*10^4\ inches}{1\ kilometer})=x\\\\x=1,579,940,000\ inches[/tex]
general 4 months ago 3216