The function c(x) = 0.5x+70 c(x) = 0.5x+70 represents the cost cc (in dollars) of renting a truck from a moving company, where xx is the number of miles you drive the truck.

I believe we are to find for values in this problem. a. The graph of the function b. The domain and range c. The slope d. The c intercept value   Answers: a. see the graph photo attached   b. The domain is the set of all x that can be input to the function. Since x is the distance and we know that distance cannot be negative hence the domain is: x ≥ 0 So the range starts from x = 0: c (x) = 0.5 * 0 + 70 = 70 Therefore the range is: c ≥ 70   Domain: x ≥ 0                     Range: c ≥ 70   c. A linear equation has a general form of: y = mx + b   where m is the slope From the given equation, the slope is 0.5.   slope = 0.5   d. The c intercept is simply the value of c when x is equal to 0   c intercept = 70  
general 8 months ago 1895