The theoretical probability of spinning an even number on a spinner is 2/3 . The spinner has 8 even-numbered sections. How many sections are on the spinner?

Answer:  There are 12 sections on the spinner. Step-by-step explanation:  Given that the  theoretical probability of spinning an even number on a spinner is [tex]\dfrac{2}{3}.[/tex] And the spinner has 8 even-numbered sections.We are to find the number of sections on the spinner.Let, x be the total number of sections on the spinner.Then, the probability of spinning an even number on the spinner is given by[tex]\dfrac{8}{x}.[/tex]According to the given information, we must have[tex]\dfrac{8}{x}=\dfrac{2}{3}\\\\\\\Rightarrow x=\dfrac{8\times 3}{2}\\\\\Rightarrow x=4\times 3\\\\\Rightarrow x=12.[/tex]Thus, there are 12 sections on the spinner.
general 5 months ago 8026