What are the names of the three collinear points?A. Points D, J, and K are collinearB. Points A, J, and B are collinearC. Points D, J, and B are collinearD. Points L, J, and K are collinear

Points L, J, and K are collinear.The answer is D.Further explanationGiven a line and a planar surface with points A, B, D, J, K, and L. We summarize the graph as follows:  At the line, points L, J, and K are collinear.  On the planar surface, points A, B, D, and J are coplanar.  Points L, J, and K are noncollinear with points A, B, and D.Points A, B, D, and J are noncollinear.Points L and K are noncoplanar with points A, B, D, and J.Point J represents the intersection between the line and the planar surface because the position of J is in the line and also on the plane. The line goes through the planar surface at point J.Notes: Collinear represents points that lie on a straight line. Any two points are always collinear because we can continuosly connect them with a straight line. A collinear relationship can take place from three points or more, but they don’t have to be.Coplanar represents a group of points that lie on the same plane, i.e. a planar surface that elongate without end in all directions. Any two or three points are always coplanar, but four or more points might or might not be coplanar.Learn more  Which points are coplanar and noncollinear brainly.com/question/4165000What are three collinear points on line l Comparing collinear points and coplanar points. : what are, the names, three collinear points, L, J, and K, noncollinear, coplanar, noncoplanar, the line, the planar surface, plane, intersection, go through
general 4 months ago 1165