What is the value of x? Enter your answer in the box. x = A triangle with midsegment parallel to the base. the left side is labeled 40 c m below the midsegment and 5 c m above the midsegment. the right side is labeled 2 x + 10 c m below the midsegment and 3 c m above the midsegment.

Answer: The value of x is 7 cm.Step-by-step explanation:Let ABC is a triangle with mid -segment  DE parallel to the base BC.the left side is labeled 40 cm below the mid -segment i.e. BD = 40 cmthe left side is labeled 5 cm above the mid -segment i.e. AD = 5 cmSimilarly, The right side is labeled 2 x + 10 cm below the mid -segmenti.e. EC = 2x+10The right side is labeled 3 cm above the mid -segmenti.e. AE = 3 cmSo, By Basic proportionality theorem, The ratio of the other two sides is equal.[tex]\frac{AD}{DB}=\frac{AE}{EC}\\\\\frac{5}{40}=\frac{3}{2x+10}\\\\\frac{1}{8}=\frac{3}{2x+10}\\\\2x+10=24\\\\2x=24-10\\\\2x=14\\\\x=\frac{14}{2}\\\\x=7 cm[/tex]Hence, the value of x is 7 cm.
general 5 months ago 7884