x =a) 32b) 64c) 82

The answer should be 32. Try out this formula: 1/2[(114 + x) - (50 + x)]Try substituting 32 in for the x 1/2[(114 + 32) - (50 + 32)]114 + 32 = 14650 + 32 = 82146 - 82 = 64What's half of 64? (Hence the 1/2 in the formula)32. So you should get what you substituted in for x on the other two numbers, which we did. : )Here is why 64 would not work. - 1/2[(114 + 64) - (50 + 64)]114 + 64 = 17850 + 64 = 114178 - 114 = 64We would still have to divide it by 2, so the answer is obviously not 64. I hope this helps!
general 5 months ago 2354