Ashley recently opened a store that uses only natural ingredients she wants to advertise your product by distributing bags of samples in your neighborhood it takes actually 2/3 of a minute to prepare one day it takes each of her friends 75% long to repair a bag. How many hours will it take Ashley in forever friendship repair 1575 bags of samples

Answer:Ashley and her 4 friends would required 5.33 hours to repair 1575 bags of sample.Step-by-step explanation:75% is written as 0.75 as a decimal or 3/4 as a fraction.Her friends take 75% longer, so multiply the time it takes Ashley by 1 + the percentage: 1.75 as a decimal or [tex]1 \frac{3}{4} \ \ or \ \ \frac{7}{4}[/tex] as a fraction.[tex]\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{7}{4} =\frac{14}{12} = 1 \frac{2}{12} = 1 \frac{1}{6} minutes[/tex].1 hour = 60 minutes.Divide minutes in an hour by minutes per pack:Ashley can pack: [tex]\frac{60}{\frac{2}{3}} = 90 \ bags\ per \ hour[/tex]1 friend can pack: [tex]\frac{60}{1\frac{1}{6}}=\frac{360}{7} = 51 \frac{3}{7} \ bags \ per \ hour.[/tex]multiply the amount 1 friend can pack by 4 friends: [tex]51 \frac{3}{7} \times 4 = \frac {1440}{7} = 205 \frac{5}{7} \ bags \ per \ hour[/tex]Ashley and her friends can pack [tex]90 + 205 \frac{5}{7} = 295 \times \frac{5}{7} \ bags \ per \ hour.[/tex]Now divide the total bags by bags per hour:[tex]\frac{1575}{295 \frac{5}{7}} = 5.33 \ hours[/tex] ( Round answer as needed.)Hence, Ashley and her 4 friends would required 5.33 hours to repair 1575 bags of sample.
general 4 months ago 3608