In 125 words or more, respond to the following prompt: We are excited that you are studying consumer math. In a few sentences, share with your teacher the reason you are taking this class. This type of question is teacher-graded.

Im am very excited aswell. I cant wait to learn what you have to teach me.i love that you are my teacher and i really hope for the best. I cant imagin being in your place right now, you have a bunch of students and they must all have at least one question. It probably gets hard somtimes but thats when you have to power through. I will help you as much as i can because it is what i do. When you tell me that your excited it gives me hope, hope that i will suceed and finish this class better then i was when i started. I am 100% way more excited then your are. Than you so much for this oppertunity.

I am taking this class because i want to iprove in math. I love math and i want to see myself get better. THank you again for everything.
general 9 months ago 8096