Instructions:Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. ∆ABC has vertices at A(11, 6), B(5, 6), and C(5, 17). ∆XYZ has vertices at X(-10, 5), Y(-12, -2), and Z(-4, 15). ∆MNO has vertices at M(-9, -4), N(-3, -4), and O(-3, -15). ∆JKL has vertices at J(17, -2), K(12, -2), and L(12, 7). ∆PQR has vertices at P(12, 3), Q(12, -2), and R(3, -2). can be shown to be congruent by a sequence of reflections and translations. can be shown to be congruent by a single rotation.

to compare the triangles, first we will determine the distances of each side Distance = ((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)^0.5
Solving  ∆ABC  A(11, 6), B(5, 6), and C(5, 17) AB = 6 units   BC = 11 units AC = 12.53 units
∆XYZ  X(-10, 5), Y(-12, -2), and Z(-4, 15)
XY = 7.14 units   YZ = 18.79 units XZ = 11.66 units ∆MNO  M(-9, -4), N(-3, -4), and O(-3, -15). MN = 6 units   NO = 11 units MO = 12.53 units
∆JKL  J(17, -2), K(12, -2), and L(12, 7).
JK = 5 units   KL = 9 units JL = 10.30 units
∆PQR  P(12, 3), Q(12, -2), and R(3, -2)
PQ = 5 units   QR = 9 units PR = 10.30 units 
we have the ∆ABC   and the ∆MNO   
with all three sides equal ---------> are congruent  
we have the ∆JKL  and the ∆PQR 
with all three sides equal ---------> are congruent    let's check  Two plane figures are congruent if and only if one can be obtained from the other by a sequence of rigid motions (that is, by a sequence of reflections, translations, and/or rotations).  1)     If ∆MNO   ---- by a sequence of reflections and translation --- It can be obtained ------->∆ABC   then ∆MNO ≅ ∆ABC     a)      Reflexion (x axis) The coordinate notation for the Reflexion is (x,y)---- >(x,-y) ∆MNO  M(-9, -4), N(-3, -4), and O(-3, -15). M(-9, -4)----------------->  M1(-9,4) N(-3, -4)------------------ > N1(-3,4) O(-3,-15)----------------- > O1(-3,15)  b)      Reflexion (y axis) The coordinate notation for the Reflexion is (x,y)---- >(-x,y) ∆M1N1O1  M1(-9, 4), N1(-3, 4), and O1(-3, 15). M1(-9, -4)----------------->  M2(9,4) N1(-3, -4)------------------ > N2(3,4) O1(-3,-15)----------------- > O2(3,15)  c)   Translation The coordinate notation for the Translation is (x,y)---- >(x+2,y+2) ∆M2N2O2  M2(9,4), N2(3,4), and O2(3, 15). M2(9, 4)----------------->  M3(11,6)=A N2(3,4)------------------ > N3(5,6)=B O2(3,15)----------------- > O3(5,17)=C ∆ABC  A(11, 6), B(5, 6), and C(5, 17)  ∆MNO  reflection------- >  ∆M1N1O1  reflection---- > ∆M2N2O2  translation -- --> ∆M3N3O3   The ∆M3N3O3=∆ABC  Therefore ∆MNO ≅ ∆ABC   - > check list  2)     If ∆JKL  -- by a sequence of rotation and translation--- It can be obtained ----->∆PQR   then ∆JKL ≅ ∆PQR     d)     Rotation 90 degree anticlockwise The coordinate notation for the Rotation is (x,y)---- >(-y, x) ∆JKL  J(17, -2), K(12, -2), and L(12, 7). J(17, -2)----------------->  J1(2,17) K(12, -2)------------------ > K1(2,12) L(12,7)----------------- > L1(-7,12)  e)      translation The coordinate notation for the translation is (x,y)---- >(x+10,y-14) ∆J1K1L1  J1(2, 17), K1(2, 12), and L1(-7, 12). J1(2, 17)----------------->  J2(12,3)=P K1(2, 12)------------------ > K2(12,-2)=Q L1(-7, 12)----------------- > L2(3,-2)=R  ∆PQR  P(12, 3), Q(12, -2), and R(3, -2) ∆JKL  rotation------- >  ∆J1K1L1  translation -- --> ∆J2K2L2=∆PQR  Therefore ∆JKL ≅ ∆PQR   - > check list
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