The street sign shown is a regular hexagon with side lengths of (7.6x+10.4) centimeters. The perimeter of the sign is 737.28 centimeters. Write an equation

Answer:Equation:[tex]6(7.6x+10.4)=737.28[/tex]Solution:[tex]x=14.8\ centimeters[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Perimeter of a hexagon We are given the length of the side of a regular hexagon [tex]l=7.6x+10.4\ centimeters[/tex]And we also know the perimeter of the hexagon is [tex]P=737.28\ centimeters[/tex]The perimeter of a regular hexagon is 6 times its side, so [tex]P=6l=6(7.6x+10.4)[/tex]The equation that will give the relation to solve for x is [tex]6(7.6x+10.4)=737.28[/tex]Reducing [tex]7.6x+10.4=122.88[/tex][tex]7.6x=122.88-10.4=112.48[/tex][tex]\displaystyle x=\frac{112.48}{7.6}[/tex][tex]x=14.8\ centimeters[/tex]
general 4 months ago 1802