You and a friend start biking in opposite directions from the same point. You travel 108 feet every 8 seconds. Your friend travels 63 feet every 6 seconds. a. To the nearest hundredth of a mile, how far apart are you and your friend after 15 minutes? You and your friend are about miles apart after 15 minutes. b. After 20 minutes, you take a 5-minute rest, but your friend does not. To the nearest hundredth of a mile, how far apart are you and your friend after 40 minutes? You and your friend are about miles apart after 40 minutes.

To find your distance apart, you can convert 15 minutes to seconds because that is what the rate is given in.

15 mins x 60 seconds = 900 seconds.

In 900 seconds, there are 900/8=112.5 groups of 8 seconds. This means there are 112.5 groups of 108 feet.

112.5 x 108 = 12150 feet

12150 feet/5280 feet is approximately 2.3 miles.

For your friend you take 900/6 = 150 groups of 6 seconds.

150 x 63 = 9540 feet

9540 feet/5280 feet = 1.79 miles

1.79 miles + 2.3 miles = 2.09 miles

You and your friend are about 2.09 miles apart after 15 minutes.

B). If you go 2.3 miles every 15 minutes, that means you travel about 0.77 miles every 5 minutes. If you travel 20 more minutes (40-15-5) that would be 0.77x 4=3.07 miles more
3.07 + 2.3 = 5.37 miles after 40 minutes (you).

Your friend travels 1.79 in 15 minutes, so 1.79/3 = 0.6 miles every 5 minutes

0.6 x 5 (5 x 5 = 25 minutes)= 3 miles

1.79 + 3 miles= 4.79 miles (friend)

4.79 + 5.37 = 10.16 miles

You and your friend are about 10.16 miles apart after 40 minutes.
general 5 months ago 4603