What is the LCM of 5 and 6?

Answer: 30Explanation: To find the least common multiple of lcm of 5 and 6, we begin by listing the first few multiples of each number.Multiples of 51 x 5 = 52 x 5 = 103 x 5 = 154 x 5 = 205 x 5 = 256 x 5 = 30Notice that we skipped 0 x 6 in our list of multiples. That's because 0 x 6 is 0 and our least common multiple can't be 0.Next we list the multiples of 6. When we list the multiples of 6, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the list of multiples for 6 so that we know when we have found a least common multiple.Multiples of 61 x 6 = 62 x 6 = 123 x 6 = 184 x 6 = 245 x 6 = 30Notice that 30 appears in both lists so we can stop here.This means that the least common multiple of 5 and 6 is 30.
general 4 months ago 3140